This may sound Mercantile, but the fact remains. Do you want to have a lot of good, beautiful, smart, loyal and wonderful girls? Earn money and buy them. Money can't buy love? It is very easy. The love of girls is easiest to buy for money. When I met different girls, I once made an experiment. I told some of them that I worked as a taxi driver, a worker, or an engineer in a factory. I told others that I worked as a Manager in a company. The third is that I am an entrepreneur, an official, or a mid-level Manager in a large company. I met girls in cafes, on the street, through Dating sites, in transport. Needless to say, different girls reacted about the same way? This may sound Mercantile, but the fact remains. If you work as an engineer, the girls quickly fell off and lost interest. There was more attention to the Manager,but not much. To the businessman, the Manager and the official girls were very favorable that they themselves took the first steps and seduced. When I met girls, I did not change my appearance or style of clothing. I wasn't as handsome or charming as a lot of the guys around me. But I had one advantage over other men. I had the money. And this was the deciding factor for the women.
Girls can be bought
At a time when women earn their own money, a man with a good job and money has a special magnetism. A study was conducted to determine the attractiveness of professions and money among people. Women in 80% of cases chose a man of ordinary appearance, but working as a lawyer or senior Manager. A good-looking taxi driver or engineer received sympathy from only 20% of women. Men treat the choice of the second half quite differently. The pretty and cheerful waitress was more popular than the average female accountant. Money can't buy love? Girls ' love can be bought. Even good, smart, beautiful and wonderful girls prefer well-off and successful men. You don't even buy a girl, you just do everything as usual, but the success rate of girls is very high. Just don't tell me it's going to be other girls who love money. All girls love money and so does your girlfriend. The better your job and more money, the more beautiful girls you smile. You want to have a cool girl? Put goals, brains, ambitions, and work above everything else in life. You will be pleasantly surprised how many cool girls will want to mess with you, meet, love and have sex. Money can't buy love? Girls ' love can be bought...