How to fight in a street fight? Secrets of victory over hooligans

The best way to get out of a fight is to avoid it. Try not to wander at night in poor areas and poorly lit places. Don't walk the streets, especially if you're drunk or have a bad sense of direction. Avoid dark areas, avoid clusters of people and do not respond to calls. Just go. It is better to order a taxi to get home safely than to face bullies. It will be safer and cheaper if someone tries to maim or Rob you.

Try to talk with hooligans

It often happens that you encounter strangers who start a conversation. The ability to conduct a conversation depends on whether everything will go peacefully, try to Rob or start a fight. You do not need to approach the company if you are called. Keep calm and confident. Answer without aggression, rudeness and impudence. Don't let yourself be put off balance and don't be intimidated. Don't let them assert themselves at your expense. Show yourself as a serious competitor who will fight for your life if necessary. Often bullies prefer to choose the cowards and the weak. No one wants to get involved with someone who can fight back, create problems, and spend the rest of the evening in the police if a serious fight breaks out. Try not to prolong the conversation too much. Say good-bye and leave, pleading business. When talking, do not allow yourself to be surrounded from different sides, do not put your hands in your pockets, do not lift your chin and be ready for a fight. Sometimes it can start at the most unexpected moment. Give up your valuables if they want to Rob you. Your life is worth more than your phone or wallet. You talk to the crowd and realize that they are going to beat you? The opponent is much stronger than you and the chances of winning are minimal? Does the enemy have a knife or other weapon? Are you not interested in a fight when the losses are great in case of defeat, and the victory may end in the police? Turn around and run. It is not necessary to show pride, self-confidence in their abilities or faith in what will be one-on-one. Turn around and run as fast as you can. Quick feet are not afraid of a fight.

How to fight street hooligans?

  • A fight is inevitable, there is no chance to escape and it is about to start? You'll get a slap on the neck anyway, but you can take advantage of the first blow. Strike first to take advantage of the confusion and gain some advantage over your opponents.
  • Do not stand in a stand, so that the enemy is wary, and immediately hit. Hit vulnerable areas: the groin, solar plexus, chin or jaw. Hit your ear or elbow with your palm at close range. In the jaw it is good to hit when the opponent says something, swears and the mouth is open, it will be more effective. Hit the bottom without a swing.
  • After the blow, do not wait and do not see what impression the blow made on the opponent. Hit several blows at once, while the opponent is confused and can not fight back. Is there a serious danger of being attacked by his companions? After a short series of blows, it is better to move back and stand in a stand.
  • Don't let the crowd surround you and let them work together. Hit, Dodge, and run. Try not to let them grab you by your clothes, surround you, or knock you down. If possible, use an umbrella, keys, stick, stone, bottle or other handy items. This will balance the odds in a fight against the crowd and may scare off attackers. You can scream and behave inappropriately, this behavior is scared. Fight as cruelly as possible, meanly, do not wait for mercy and be ready to retire when the opportunity arises.
  • Don't use complicated punches from movies, especially with your feet. One ridiculous slip, and you're lying on the ground. Then there will be a beating of the body while it moves. If you fall, then curl up in a ball, get up abruptly and run.
  • Attract the attention of others in a fight. Hooligans are afraid of publicity and the police. Break a window on the first floor, yell "fire", hit the car to set off the alarm. Do not hesitate to shout, it often stops the attackers.

It is difficult to understand who is right and who is wrong. Often bullies can slander you as if you attacked their company. It will be difficult to prove anything without other witnesses. Run away from the scene before the police arrive, if you got off lightly. The first person to go to the police is right. Go for a medical examination to fix the injuries. Write a statement, find a good lawyer and witnesses.