Do men need to shave their armpits?

The modern world and movies make us reconsider yesterday's canons, when a man should be smelly, powerful and hairy. Do men need to shave their armpits? Is it worth it to get rid of hair men? Modern men shave not only their armpits, but also their Breasts, shoulders, arms, and legs. But it is often rarer than a common phenomenon, unlike armpits. According to surveys, about 70% of men shave their armpits. Should men shave their armpits? Here everyone decides for himself. We will just name the pros and cons, on the basis of which you can draw conclusions for yourself. Should I leave my hair in the armpit or should I get rid of it mercilessly? Let's remember William Shakespeare in a new way. To shave or not to shave, that is the question. Is it worth putting up with hair, or should I resist with a whole head of hair, having finished with them?

Men don't shave their armpits

You will have to shave your hair once a week, which is similar to shaving stubble. This takes up precious time. There is a risk of cutting yourself, causing skin irritation, getting ingrown hair and experiencing some discomfort. Some scientists believe that shaving the armpits does not reduce the smell of sweat. Hair can help remove moisture from the body. But there is no 100% certainty. The smell of sweat allows you to emit pheromones that attract women. However, the subtle aroma of pheromones is not always pleasant for a woman's nose. There is a connection between pheromones and attractiveness, but it is not very significant. Some women like men with hairy armpits. For them, a real man must be smelly, powerful, and hairy.

Why men need to shave their armpits

Shaving helps to get rid of the smell of sweat. The apocrine glands secrete an odorless liquid that mixes with bacteria on the body. And the unpleasant smell of sweat appears when they interact. Armpit hair retains moisture, which leads to the flourishing smell of bacteria. And clothes get wet faster, which makes a man less attractive. Men usually sweat when they are hot. And hair contributes to this. Extra hair under the armpits prevents you from creating a clean surface for the full operation of the antiperspirant. Armpit hair sometimes causes itching and may itch. Smooth armpits are more comfortable to feel. Discomfort is felt only a couple of weeks after the first time I shaved my hair. Shaved armpits are more attractive to the fair sex. Most girls are in favor of smooth armpits men. Tufts of hair do not stick out from under a shirt or t-shirt, which causes many ladies to be disgusted. Shaved armpits look more aesthetically pleasing and pleasant. This is how all the heroes of movies and the ideals of girls look. It's hard to argue with that.

Should a man shave his armpits? Conclusion

There are obvious pros and cons of shaving your hair. But there is no clear answer that women prefer men with shaved or armpit hair. There is no clear answer about the smell of sweat. Do men need to shave their armpits? There is no right or wrong decision. Every man makes his own choice. For a change and a test, a man should try both options. Shave off your armpit hair and walk like this for three months to get used to it. Then stop shaving and go with your hair. And in six months to make your choice. To shave or not to shave, that is the question. The author made his choice in favor of the first for a long time. But this is a personal choice of every man.